Lead Generation: Why A Personal Approach is the Next Best Step

So…you’ve sent your email. Now what?

If you’re trying to generate leads for your business, email is a fantastic starting point. Email marketing allows you to engage with your leads right away to begin generating brand awareness. Most email marketing software options allow you to personalize communication based off of action from leads and demographic trends. Compared to other lead generation platforms, email marketing is fast, simple, and completely customizable.

The trouble with email marketing is that responses are few and far between. Your clients are most likely receiving dozens, if not hundreds, of emails each day. Even emails with catchy headlines can get lost in the shuffle. Most emails get deleted immediately, and if they are read, they are typically only given a quick skim. To truly connect with a client, you’ll want to communicate with them in a more memorable way.

With lead generation, consistent communication is key, so what do you do when you don’t get a response to that initial email? Instead of immediately sending a second follow-up email, we suggest you take a more personal route. Consider making a friendly, genuine phone call to a client or sending them a handwritten note. This approach doesn’t force you to sacrifice any of your content, and the personal touch will make you stand out by a mile.

There are several benefits to personal follow-ups that make this lead generation strategy well worth the investment.

Ensure an Integrated Approach
For effective lead generation, an integrated approach is essential. Some people don’t use email often, or maybe they’d prefer to speak over the phone. If you stick with email instead of testing out other platforms, it’s likely you’ll lose potential leads. With lead generation, it’s important to reach people where/when they want to be reached. If email is a no-go, connect with them over the phone and through mail to make sure your communication style is as effective as possible.

Stand Out in the Digital Era
In this day and age, email is how everyone and their mother communicates. Unfortunately, because of that, an email can often be overlooked in a crowded inbox. To capture as many leads as possible, you’ll want to pursue a platform that is not as overpopulated. When you send a handwritten card or make the effort to call a potential lead (no telemarketer script, please), you’ll stand out from your competitors and make more of an impact with the business.

Build Strong Customer Relationships
With personal methods of communication, you have the opportunity to show off your personality. Businesses are likely receiving dozens of dry, formulaic emails each day. Your friendly phone call or handwritten card will show your potential leads that you care and remind them that you are human, not an automaton at the other end of a computer. Especially with phone calls, you can ditch the script and begin to build a strong, authentic relationship with your potential client. These relationships are the most surefire way to transform budding interest into a new client.

Be Memorable (in a Good Way)
Unfortunately, sometimes you just won’t get a response. That’s perfectly normal when you reach out to such a large audience. However, when you follow up with a more personal touch, they’re more likely to remember you when they are looking for a service like yours down the road. You’ll be remembered in a favorable light, which could lead to a transaction later on or even a referral.

Writing a handwritten note, making a friendly phone call, or any other personal marketing tactic is crucial to effective lead generation. While email is easy, you have a much better shot at capturing a lead with a personalized follow-up compared to a routine follow-up email. This lead generation strategy often requires more time, but it is well worth the investment. Here at Aria, we believe that taking a personal approach is what really matters in the long run. If you have any questions you’d like to ask our team, give us a call!

Looking for a professional team that specializes in handwritten letters and authentic telephone marketing? Aria Calls and Cards is made up of lead generation experts with years of experience in the industry, and we’d love to help you get started.

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